Beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing – especially one bearing gifts…

Bob Ellis is right.


All MSM can gloat about is the fact that the LNP and Ashby had “succeeded”. Gloating about the fact that they have not only ruined a man’s career but that they have destroyed the mans “character”. Even though the LNP themselves for 19 long years and through many pre-selections knew that Peter Slipper had at times less than admirable thoughts and desires, they still stood by their man.

Abbott happily attended Slippers wedding…unless he just went along for the free feed and drink. Damn long way to fly for a free feed. And why would you bother to attend the wedding of someone you despise as much as Abbott has proved over the past few months he despises Slipper. Did he once believe in the “character” of a man?

(I’m even more curious to know what Abbott gave Slipper as a wedding present. Hmmmm)

But whether a man has less than admirable thoughts does not make that person any less able to do a job. All of Parliament – including the LNP – has said that Slipper was one of the better Speakers to sit in the Speakers chair.

Abbott’s “character” however, in his actions over the past two and half years is wide open for all to see. He is a man who will destroy anything and anybody to steal the Prime Ministership.

He is like Gollum salivating after the ring.

 “Its MY precious…especially not that woman’s”

Abbott brazenly calls for an inquiry into the 20 year old AWU issue – an issue where no one in the LNP or mainstream media has been able to produce any evidence the Prime Minister has done anything wrong – but when an inquiry is suggested to get to the bottom of the Ashby/Slipper affair and the extent of the LNP involvement – an issue where a Federal Court Judge no less has brought down damning findings against Ashby and members of the LNP – Abbott calls it a witch hunt!

The gall of the man.

But his gall shows absolutely no bounds.

When asked about when he personally knew about the Ashby allegations, Abbott, barefaced as it comes, looked Australia in the eye and said “When everyone else knew. When I read it about it on Saturday morning.”

Now, thanks to the brilliant analysis of IT expert Kieran Cummings, we now know Abbott did in fact lie about that.


Kieran has proved, by analyzing met-data from Abbott’s APH email stream, that in fact Abbott’s media release in response to the Ashby allegations was in fact written the night before.

Proving Abbott did know.

So, what we have here is either a very incompetent or stupid political party.

Or both.


Julie Bishop doesn’t know who she is talking to on the other end of a phone. She can’t recall Ashby calling her office for “advice”. Joe Hockey can’t remember meeting Ashby and Brough. Christopher Pyne cant recall sending emails requesting Ashby’s phone number and personal email. Mal Brough said he didn’t meet with Ashby, then he said he did just once, then twice, then three times. Abbott says he had “no specific knowledge.”

Texts and knowledge of meetings prove that these Liberals are in this mirky, quagmire of conspiracy right up to their rotten lying mouths.

And the mainstream media knows it.

It is clear that from Judge Rares findings that this scandalous case was deliberately conceived in an atmosphere of power hungry revenge, spite and ambition in order to not only discredit Peter Slipper and have him removed as Speaker, but to bring down the Labor Government.

Anywhere else in the world this is akin to sedition.

In Australia it’s called the “LNP Right to Rule”.

But do you think mainstream media want YOU, the ordinary Australian voter, to know that these conniving, manipulating, power hungry Gollums, were collaborating to do this?

Not on your sweet Nellie.

By refusing to acknowledge this seditious act, mainstream media have made themselves willingly complicit in this attempt to bring down the Labor Government.

It is extremely troubling for this country, that the main stream media simply refuse to investigate this issue ­– that they will not bother to delve deep into the LNP trail of who knew what and when and tell the Australian people the truth.

Australia stands proud on its moral and ethical attitudes in so often condemning third world countries for their corruption and sedition. We refuse to acknowledge democratically elected Government’s e.g Palestine (because Hamas is considered by the West to be a terrorist organization) and remove our Ambassadors and funding from countries where an Opposition has attempted to or overthrown a Government (e.g. Fiji).

But when it happens here in Australia, for some inexplicable reason, our mainstream media turn a blind eye. One can only assume it is to protect the LNP. I have asked this question before and it still defies explanation as to what it is about the LNP for mainstream media to so desperately want them to be the Government.

Yes we have a minority Government. But its a Government with profoundly progressive policies, an economy the envy of the world, low unemployment and low interest rates. An economy praised by other world leaders and world monetary organisations.

But mainstream media wont tell you that.

They’ll tell you Abbott is at a fish market, hardware store or fruit shop, that his “driving” a truck down the Pacific Highway (he wasn’t driving) to highlight the state of the road. A highway Labor has spent $4.1B on since coming to Government. But mainstream media didn’t tell you that. (Abbott obviously had a smooth ride along the newly fixed highway as we haven’t seen a front page headline in mainstream media with Abbott decrying the state of the road).

They’ll tell you every. single. time Abbott dons a safety jacket (I’m sure he sleeps in it) but they wont tell you that the Government has passed legislation to bring into being two of the most progressive policies since Whitlam’s Medicare, Gonski and the NDIS.

They will plaster their front pages with derogatory photos of Thomson and Slipper but place the extremely damaging findings of a highly respected Federal Court judge re the Ashby affair way back on page 17.

It’s almost criminal in itself.

I also have to question the timing of Abbott’s current overseas excursion.

How very convenient Abbott just happened to fly out of the country on the day Judge Rares brought down his findings.

One would have thought Abbott to be waiting outside the Federal Court with baited breath for the result.

Always first with a media release or television interview (stunt) when it suits him to smear the Government, Abbott is conveniently on a flight to London.

I have no doubt Ashby’s legal team could see the writing on the wall ­­– informed Abbott – who then made convenient plans to be out of the country on December 12.

And then in a shameless display of “niceness” Abbott then just so happens to call in our troops in Afghanistan – a decent enough gesture – but low and behold he also came bearing Xmas gifts.

What a brazen use of our troops to influence the Australian public into thinking he is Mr. Nice Guy.

And once again, a willing sycophantic mainstream media beamed the footage back to Australia just in time to compete with the Judge’s findings to be the headline on prime time news.

How very bloody convenient.

Well Mr. Abbott – you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. (except rusted on extreme right wing voters).

Australia….Beware of a wolf in sheeps clothing – especially one bearing gifts.

It is shameful, scandalous and utterly senseless that mainstream media aren’t foraging around this issue like frenzied little squirrels gathering nuts for winter in order to bring the truth of the matter to the Australian people.

The Australian people need – but more importantly – deserve  –to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Anything less just makes us look like a corrupt third world country where truth and honour are utterly disregarded just so some power hungry bully can get his hands on the leadership.